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Justin Humphreys – In support of Anthony Rodriguez for School Committee

This is my enthusiastic and genuine plug for Anthony Rodriguez for School Committee. I have one request as I tell you about him - please vote for him!

I'm sure you've seen some of his media posts and the letters written about him and his candidacy, and you've hopefully had a chance to meet him in person.

I am fortunate to have known him much longer than his stint on the School Building Rehabilitation Committee (SBRC), and I can tell you having known him through his adult life he has been consistently thoughtful, hardworking, and engaging.

Anthony is a good friend of mine whom I've known in multiple capacities over the past eleven years. He has always been dedicated, kind, thoughtful, and himself in every forum.

I met him when he was my design student at Wentworth Institute of Technology. He was impressive in his ideas and ambition, and he diligently saw his work from concept to final presentation.

I then had the pleasure of being a colleague when he joined my team at TBA Architects.

Over the course of a few years working together we saw three major school renovations and expansions completed and surveyed and drafted detailed documentation of multiple historic college buildings. From day one, he tackled whatever I handed him. He was always a considerate listener and careful in his response.

His concern for doing careful, thoughtful, and cost-effective work showed every day. I was sad to see him go, but also thrilled that he was going to work for firms doing great work in his field of interest.

He's since worked on multiple MSBA school projects in his career as a designer while reaching major life events all while being true to himself and with great competency.

Anthony and I stay in touch regularly and from the moment he moved to town he has expressed an interest in understanding how things work and how he could get involved.

When the notice came that the SBRC was looking for ex officio members (at the urging of many that design talent was needed on the board) he reached out to me with interest and I was more than happy to encourage him and to speak in his favor. He passionately cares about buildings, education, and community. So, when I was lucky enough to run into him the night he pulled papers for the School Committee, it was no surprise to me. It's a natural extension of his areas of interest and talent. I know he'll put in the work and he’ll enjoy being part of an engaged group.

I feel strongly that he deserves your support. And I feel strongly he is who Dedham needs on our School Committee.

Thank you for reading this and for your consideration.

Justin Humphreys, Precinct 6 Town Meeting Member