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Cailen Campbell McCormick – In Enthusiastic Support for Anthony Rodriguez

Last week I attended my last formal meeting as a member of the Dedham School Committee. I am choosing not to run again for a number of reasons, the main being my six year old daughter’s sweet request for me to have no more “go away meetings” during her bedtime.

I spoke at that meeting about what a privilege it has been to work alongside my colleagues on the school committee, and how honored I have been to work closely with the district leadership in Dedham. These professionals lead by example, and over the course of my three-year term, it has been evident that all decisions are made with the best interest of our children at the forefront. I also shared at the meeting how proud I am of the work that we have accomplished over the last three years. I will add that, despite disagreements, this progress has only been possible due to respectful conversation, collaboration, assumptions of positive intent, and thoughtful perspective taking.

Now, on the eve of our next election, it is imperative to draw attention to the only contested race for School Committee: the one-year seat. One of the amazing parts of serving on a town-wide board has been the people I have met; Anthony Rodriguez is one of these people. I am thrilled to support him in his candidacy for this seat.

If you have had the opportunity to meet Anthony, to hear him speak, or to follow him on any of his social media platforms, you know that he consistently shares clear messaging about his values and his priorities. He has what it takes. Professionally, Anthony is an architectural designer. This will be an invaluable skill-set and perspective to add to the committee, especially over the course of the next year+ as the town identifies the repairs that are most important and urgent for our school buildings. His platform is built on inclusion and empathy. He has proven himself to be a thoughtful problem solver and collaborative partner. He prioritizes the critical elements of a successful school: academic rigor, student well-being and belonging, supportive relationships, and healthy learning environments. He is responsive and respectful to his constituents and his colleagues.

As I conclude my term representing our town on this board, I am confident that Anthony is the right person to fill the vacant one-year seat. Please join me, and so many of our neighbors, in voting for Anthony tomorrow at the polls.


Cailen Campbell McCormick